Raindance Review: Do Elephants Pray?

As the film opens, a naked man charges through the forest, grabbing our attention as he runs. One thing is certain from the outset, Do Elephants Pray does not fit the typical Brit film template. Callum, head and lynchpin of his own failing marketing company, is pretty set in his ways, doing a half assed job whilst enjoying his favourite poisons: cigarettes, alcohol and only the very finest coffee. Callum is a man looking for a meaning to it all, attending tai chi classes, scouring spiritual websites and in darker moments, suicide forums.

Whilst struggling to come up with a successful angle to sell a girls alcoholic drink to men in an already saturated market, Callum encounters Malika, a free spirited French girl who pulls him out of his lifeless existence and drags him across to France into the heart of a military zone in search of a legendary lake said to transform people,. As they journey deeper into the forest, Malika’s spiritual carefree nature begins to rejuvenate Callum.

Do Elephants Pray is a profoundly affecting film that makes us question our sense of value and the way we live our lives. With a twist ending that sets the whole film in a new light, Do Elephants Pray is certain to have audiences talking. As for whether Elephants pray, well, that is a question to think about, not to answer.

Raindance Film Festival