Kanji Buddy

Kanji Buddy

Kanji Buddy is a Japanese Kanji learning app for IOS and Android, developed with React Native. The app is still under development. Find out more about the project here: https://github.com/christianb3ll/kanji-buddy


Vampyre – Movie Poster and Bluray Cover

This was another retro styled project reviving one of my old movies. This time, my vampire epic, Vampyre. I wanted to match the exaggerated, slightly camp style of the Hammer horror films of the 60’s and 70’s. For the disk design, I went in a different direction and tried to create something more modern that… read more »

Demons Bluray Cover

Demons – Bluray cover

The cover for the Bluray of Demons. I tried to create something that was in keeping with Super8’s retro aesthetic.

Memento Mori – Movie Poster and Bluray Cover

Memento Mori (2002) was a summer movie project made at a time when I really should have been focusing on studying for my GCSE’s. Whatever… Time well spent. Years later I decided to give it a re-edit and chuck it onto Blu-ray. The film was heavily inspired (Read: ripped off) from Luc Besson’s Leon and… read more »

The Hunted – Movie Poster and Bluray Cover

“If you go down to the woods today… You may forget who you are” The Hunted (2001) is an atmospheric, psychological horror short. Blurb below: Who is John Stevenson? …Is what John Stevenson would like to know. Right now he knows only three things. He’s covered in blood, he is lost in an endless wilderness,… read more »

GNP Retro Styled Film Poster

The GNP Collection brought together many of my early movies into one Bluray package. The aim of this poster was to create something similar to the works of Drew Struizan. The challenge in doing so was working with extremely low-resolution images pulled from grainy 8mm video. All in all I’m pretty pleased with how it… read more »

Star Girl Reporter – Ebook layout and Publishing

Star Girl Reporter is a series of ebooks documenting the stories behind journalist Alison Jane-Reid’s iconic interviews. This deluxe ebook celebrates the meeting between Alison and Linda McCartney. I was bought on to do the layout of the ebook and to publish online. Available now: Amazon