Folkalist Newsletter

Folkalist is a game-changing platform that matches projects with collaborators. Since early 2021 I have been writing the monthly Folkalist Newsletter, which spotlights unique projects and creative endeavours around a particular theme. Access each issue below or view the gallery. Newsletter 9 – Think different, make different, live differentNewsletter 10 – The Infinite Game of… read more »

A Filmlover’s Guide to Tokyo

Article for ELFS Japan: So you’re in Tokyo and want to see the sights? Fantastic! But you’ve already gone up the Skytree, you’ve already taken the obligatory scramble crossing photo, and you’ve eaten as much ramen and sushi as you can handle. Now you find yourself with a cinephilic itch that demands to be scratched! So… read more »

Marked up Screenplay

Connecting With Material You’re Not Into

There comes a time in the life of every creative when you’ll have to work with material that you don’t feel any personal connection to. So what do you do? You could just half-ass it and hope a better job comes along next time, as many do in this situation, but why waste the opportunity?… read more »

Directing Actors

Your First Day On Set

The day is finally here. You’re making your movie. Your stomach aches from too much coffee and you’ve passed a fitful night of disturbed sleep but you made it! Now comes the hard part… Read the full post on ELFSJapan Your First Day on Set  

Why Don't You Play in Hell

10 Japanese Movies About Moviemaking

Anyone who has ever stepped onto a film set can tell you that there is no shortage of drama to be found. So it is no surprise that there are plenty of movies that tackle the subject. But whilst every aspect of Hollywood filmmaking has been exhaustively explored, we rarely get to see what filmmaking… read more »


Filmmaking in the Event of the Apocalypse

Article for Raindance: So this is it.  Later today it all comes to an end.  Like many of you I find myself worrying… What if the world ends before anyone becomes aware of my genius? Now I’ve given this a little thought and found that, really, I don’t have anything to worry about.  In many ways,… read more »


Zero Budget Software Suite for Filmmakers

Article for Raindance: Money is, by definition, always a difficult issue for the low budget filmmaker.  The challenge is in getting as much of your meagre budget up on the screen as possible.  With that being the case do you really have the money to throw around on overpriced software packages? … Read more on the… read more »


6 Ways Directors Screw Editors

Article for Raindance: Being an editor is tough.  We have to work with what we’re given and as such the results we can yield are subject to countless limitations.  We are surgeons as much as storytellers, hacking out what we can whilst trying to keep our patient from bleeding to death.  But we shouldn’t have to… read more »


6 Ways Director’s Screw Sound Editors

Article for Raindance: You know what marks a film out as amateur more than anything else?  Shoddy, shoddy location sound… Read more on the Raindance website 6 Ways Directors Screw Sound Editors

Raindance Review: Rebels Without a Clue

Teens Damian and Mark long to escape their humdrum existence, closeted in a village in the Saddleworth Moors of Northern England. Their only distraction is taking potshots with Damian’s air rifle at passing cars, sheep and just about anything that moves. Their chance for escape comes when one of their shots interrupts a drug deal,… read more »