
Demons – Short Film

Last Summer I shot a short film, Demons, on Super 8mm film. It was my first time working with the format, as well as the first time testing the camera so I had no idea what to expect back from the lab. To make things doubly interesting, I decided to shoot everything twice. First with an iPhone using a super8 app, and then with the real super8 camera. Whilst I feel the app is pretty accurate in a number of ways, I feel it actually does super8 a disservice. The picture quality of Super8 was far higher than I had been led to expect.

All in all, it was a fun experiment that made me appreciate both the discipline required of old formats as well as the freedom offered by new ones.

The story is based on a series of horror films I made as a teenager so will likely make little sense to the uninitiated. All the same, I hope there is something to enjoy for everybody.

The synopsis:

15 years have passed. The events of New Years Eve have passed into legend. Survivor, Chris, remains haunted by his experiences and dreads the coming of each new year.

Desperate to put the past behind him once and for all, Chris journeys back to a place where the demons of the past yet linger. Exorcising them will take strength, courage and the help of a long lost friend…

Demons – iPhone Version

Password: ohayou

Demons – 8mm Version

Password: ohayou